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Shakespeare's Roman Plays

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    Attempts have been made to find in that play
    immediate anticipations of the mental attitude and
    of particular thoughts that appear in Coriolanus.
    Thus Octavia\'s dilemma in her petition has been
    A more unhappy lady,
    If this division chance, ne\'er stood between,
    Praying for both parts :
    The good gods will mock me presently,
    When I shall pray, \" O, bless my lord and husband !
    Undo that prayer, by crying out as loud,
    \" O, bless my brother ! \" Husband win, win brother,
    Prays, and destroys the prayer ; no midway
    \'Twixt these extremes at all. (in. iv. 12.)
    还有这一段,最后一截虽然很正常(?这是个什么形容词orz),但是看着就很容易脑补啊~~脑补完之后就忍不住想女主真命苦啊 = = 虽然比绝大多数人都命好但还是忍不住觉得她命苦啊……
    merely replies with diplomatic decorum :
    If beauty, wisdom, modesty, can settle
    The heart of Antony, Octavia is
    A blessed lottery to him. (n. ii. 247.)
    No doubt. But though Touchstone says, \"Your If
    is your only peacemaker,\" it can also be a very good
    peace-breaker on occasion. In Enobarbus\' opinion
    (and in his own way Octavius is just as shrewd),
    Octavia with her \"holy, cold and still conversation\"
    is no dish for Antony. But though this is now
    expressly pointed out to Octavius\' confidants, the
    marriage goes on as though nothing could be urged
    against it. The reason is that nothing can, from
    the point of view of the contrivers. If it turns out
    well, so far good ; if it turns out ill, so much the
    better. Only when it is an accomplished fact, does
    Caesar give a glimpse of what it involves in the
    sinister exhortation :
    Let not the piece of virtue which is set
    Betwixt us, as the cement of our love.
    To keep it builded, be the ram to batter
    The fortress of it. (ni. ii. 28.)
    Thus when Antony returns to Cleopatra, as he was
    bound to do, Octavius manages to represent himself
    as the aggrieved party, as champion of the sanctity
    of the hearth, the vindicator of old Roman pieties
    屋大维你个渣!!!看到when Octavia was again used as the unconscious pawn觉得异常心痛,然后就觉得屋大维这个情商为负的家伙也真是自找的…………= =
    It seems more than probable that the
    marriage with Octavia was suggeste37not~t6 confirm
    the alliance, but to provoke a breach at a more convenient
    season. The biographer expressly assi|fns
    the same sort of ulterior motive to a later act of
    apparent kindliness, when Octavia was again used
    as the unconscious pawn. When she, just before the
    final breach, insists on setting out to join her husband,
    Plutarch explains :
    Her brother Octavius was willing unto it, not for his {i.e.
    Antony\'s) respect at all (as most authors doe report) as for ,
    that he might have an honest culler to make warre with
    Antonius if he did misuse her, and not esteeme of her as
    she ought to be.
    还有这样的……虽然屋大维娅永远比不上屋大维的理想和野心,但是His love for his sister may be limited and alloyed, but it is unfeigned. 上面的那一段indignation at Octavia\'s scanty
    convoy when she returns from Athens to Rome就可以表现出来……我觉得这家伙是因为姐姐一声不吭回来了也不吱一声傲娇呢(……)
    And yet this admirable brother has not hesitated
    to arrange for his sister a \" mariage de convenance\" i
    with Antony, a man whom he disapproves and dis- 1
    likes. From the worldly point of view it is certainly
    the most brilliant match she could make ; and this
    perhaps to one-of Octavius\' arid nature, with its total
    lack of sympathy, imagination and generous ideals,
    may have seemed the main consideration. All the
    same we cannot help feeling that he was thinking
    mainly of himself, and, though with some regrets,
    has sacrificed her to the exigencies of statecraft.
    Menas and Enobarbus, shrewd and unsentimental
    observers, agree that policy has made more in the
    marriage than love. So much indeed is obvious,
    even if its purpose is what on the face of it it
    professes to be, the reconcilement of the men it
    makes brothers-in-law.
    这一段也很美啊,我觉得比sister and brother的那一截更美好更含蓄更深浓~不过其实表达的就是一样滴意思 =w=
    But Shakespeare also knows that without
    affection to bring it out, there will be no answering
    affection in a woman like Octavia. She will be true
    to all her obligations, so long as they are obligations,
    but no love will he roused to make her do more than
    is in her bond.
    下面一整段虽然内容都很正经,但是不知为毛看到“use his power”这句话我立刻就开始想歪脑补,然后结合传说中的软禁啊狗血啊强X啊拉灯啊……莲子你答应过要写的啊不能言而无信啊!!!
    The hurried, loveless and transitory union, into
    which Antony has entered only to suit his convenience,
    for as Enobarbus says, \" he married but
    his occasion here,\" and into which Octavia has
    entered only out of deference to her brother who
    \" uses his power unto her,\" has thus merely a
    political and moral but no emotional significance.
    This Roman marriage lies further apart from the
    love story of Antony than the marriage in Brittany
    does from the love story of Tristram. This diplomatic
    alliance interferes as little with Octavia\'s
    sisterly devotion to Octavius as the political alliances
    of Marguerite d\'Angoul^me interfered with her
    sisterly devotion to Francis I. And much is gained
    by this for the play. In the first place the hero no
    longer, as in the biography, offends us by fickleness
    in his grand idolatry and infidelity to a second
    attachment, on the one hand, or by ingratitude to
    a long-suffering and loving wife on the other. But
    just for that reason Octavia does not really enter
    into his life, and claims no full delineation. She is
    hardly visible, and does not disturb our sympathies
    with the lovers or force on us moral regards by
    demuring on them and chastising them with her
    sober eyes. Nevertheless visible at intervals she is,
    and then she seems to tell of another life than that
    of Alexandrian indulgence, a narrower life of obligations
    and pieties beside which the carnival of impulse
    is both glorified and condemned. And she does
    this not less effectually, but a great deal less obtrusively,
    that in her shadowy form as she flits from
    the mourning-chamber to the altar at the bidding of
    her brother, and from Athens to Rome to preserve
    the peace, we see rather the self-devoted sister than
    the devoted wife. For in the play she is sister first
    and essentially, and wife only in the second place
    because her sisterly feeling is so strong.
    Still more slightly sketched than the domestic
    loyalty of Octavia or even than the military loyalty
    of Scarus, is the loyalty of Eros the servant ; but it
    is the most affecting of all, for it is to the death.
    Characteristically, he who Obtains the highest
    spiritual honours that are awarded to any person
    in the play, is one of a class to which in the prime
    of ancient civilisation the possibilty of any moral
    life would in theory have been denied. Morality
    was for the free citizen of a free state : the slave was
    not really capable of it. And indeed it is clear that
    often for the slave, who might be only one of the
    goods and chattels of his owner, the sole chance of
    escape from a condition of spiritual as well as
    physical servitude would lie in personal enthusiasm
    for the master, in willing self-absorption in him.
    But in a world like that of Antony and Cleopatra
    such personal enthusiasm, as we have seen, is almost
    the highest thing that remains. So it is the quondam
    slave, Eros the freedman, bred in the cult of it, who
    bears away the palm. Antony commands him to
    slay him :
    When I did make thee free, sworest thou not then
    To do this when I bade thee ? Do it at once
    Or thy precedent services are all
    But accidents\' unpurposed. Draw, and come.
    (iv. xiv. 81.)
    But Eros by breaking his oath and slaying himself,
    does his master a better service. He cheers him in
    his dark hour by this proof of measureless attachment
    Thus do I escape the sorrow
    Of Antony\'s death. (iv. xiv. 94.)

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