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最新评论: 评《从007开始做西装暴徒[综英美]》

   It was hard to tell who was at fault for their current situation.
   Well, Bryan technically did kiss Ethan at the bar when they were approached by some unwanted giggling girls, none of which looked old enough to be in this bar.
   “Sorry, ladies, I’m afraid I’m taken.” Bryan had said with a charming smile, and pulled Ethan Hunt’s collar towards him without warning. Luckily, the IMF experience in Ethan Hunt reacted quick enough to display a suitable sweet smile right as their lips press together. The move was very effective—the girls took one look at two handsome men passionately kissing each other and ran away with a squeal.
   Ethan breaks the kiss, “You could’ve have just kissed my cheek, you know.” He’s still leaning towards Bryan to keep up the act, green eyes shimmering unde.........

