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最新评论: 评《晋江*尚邮春运征稿活动》

    After changing the shift, I take off my uniform, walking toward the starbucks on the second floor with a pair of jeans and a shirt.
    Although I still have another shift coming up, I am not in the pants of my uniform. Our uniform somehow is kind of like a formal suit which is really easy to be wrinkled; I also don\'t want it to taste any drop of coffee which I myself is going to enjoy in the starbucks. First image is very important, especially for people like me who work as a salesman. People are more likely to buy things from a clean, organized and trustful salesman, and I want to sale things and make □.
    It seems that I have so many reasons to wear my jeans, but the only thing that I can think about now is how comfortable I am to be in a pair of loose jeans. I have already stand straight in the uniform for about five hours and I am going to do the same thing after only three hours rest. I feel .........

