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最新评论: 关于阿同与冯杰

   I like the quiet Shu Tong, who is so straightforward and simple. Sometimes, I often feel pain about him. I don’t know why, in recent times, I like Shu Tong much more than ever before. Every time I see him beaten by Qing Lang or treated un justfied, I have a sense of heartache and burst out crying. He thinks that he has robbed the love to Feng Jie. In his opinion, he feels a little sorry to Feng Jie. Therefore, he shares everything to him, and gives everything to him. But, he is also just a small boy, too! Fool boy, why can’t you express youself? Why don’t you tell others you are also a younger brother, and you also needs care and love and warm and everything! You just a little bit older than Feng Jie! I would say, it is unfair for Shu Tong to perform like a big man!
    Acturally, as we tell about the youngest one, whose name is Feng Jie, I used to love him very much. As far as I am concerned, he is cute, lovely and makes other people happy. But ,in recent days, I.........

