First Sight

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    (nine)The truth

      Today’s weather is good, and we get up early and eat breakfast in the dinning room.

      “Today is really suit for skiing.” John said.

      “Oh, yes. Today is really good for skiing. Good morning, ladies.” Jason and Kenny walk in to the dining room.

      After the breakfast, we go to the mountain and prepare for skiing. Kenny is accompanying me all the time.

      Suddenly, a strong wind blows my hat away and I run after it. I follow the hat in to a little plain on the mountain. I look about and cannot find my hat, so I decide to go back.

      “Careful!!!” I heard someone shout and then something hits me to the ground.

      “Huh?” A voice said.

      “Are you ok?!” Kenny rushes to me and he is really intense.

      “Er, Kenny, I am fine. What’s wrong?” I get up from the gourd and then see there are three knifes are stick in the ground beside me and a man in black stand in front of us playing with a sliver knife in his hand. He is look straightly in my neck.

      “Aw, I know why I can’t hurt you now, little girl, your necklace is protecting you.” He said. “Huh? Kenny? Klein, you name is Kenny now?”

      “None of your business, Roy. What makes you here?” Kenny said in a freezing voice.

      “It’s so funny, you are in love a human girl, so the presbyters asked me to come and kill her!” He said in an ironical way.

      “Kenny? Who is he?” I asked.

      “What? They asked you to come?” Kenny is shocked.

      “Don’t forget your status, Klein.”

      “So you don’t know what your ‘Kenny’ is, or his real name Klein, right?” The man named Roy turns around and faces me.

      “What?” I am really lost.

      “Oh, so he didn’t tell you,” he sneered “then let me tell you...”

      “Shut up! Roy”

      “Klein or your Kenny is a VAMPIRE! A vampire like me! A monster which lived
      forever and never died!”

      Their voice sounded at the same times.

      A vampire? Kenny is a vampire? I look to him; he is looking at me, too. And blue eyes fill with sorrow.

      “Sarah, I am sorry, I don’t mean to deceive you.” He said it sorrowfully.

      Suddenly, I feel my heart is filling with pains and I realized that I am in love with him, don’t know when. Maybe he is a vampire. But to me he is the boy I loved.

      “No, He is Kenny. He is Kenny!” I cried out. Yes, to me, he is Kenny. He is the boy I loved, I don’t care he is a vampire or not. I smile to him just like he had smiled to me before. “You are Kenny.”

      “Huh? Sounds good. Klein, you know you can’t protect her forever, as long as you still are vampire and relate to the family.” Roy said and there is a big grin on his face. “I will be back. Hope you can make your decision then.” He skipped of the tree and disappeared. Then the silence shrouds us.
      Kenny says nothing and stares at the direction which Roy has disappeared. I walk to his side. I can’t see he eyes because they are hiding in the shadow of his hair. “Kenny?” I grasp his hand cautiously. It’s cool as usual. Is vampire’s temperature always like this?

      “Ah!” He suddenly pulls me into his arm.

      “Sorry, Sarah.” He susurrates beside my ear.

      “It’s all right.” I pat his back.

      “I want to tell you about myself.” He looked up and said.

      “If you don’t want to say, that’s fine. I trust you.”

      “No, I want to tell you. I am a vampire, the life of vampire is forever but
      we have to rely on the blood and I am the haeres of my clan. I almost forget how many years I have lived. I am I was tired of the life of vampire and hated the taste of blood. So I left my clan and stop drinking blood. At first, it’s unbearable and almost drove me crazy. But my hands become warmer, not as cold as before.” He stopped for a while, then continued “Sarah, what I said last night is true, when I first saw your, I know you are the one I am looking for these many years. I won’t let them hurt you. Trust me.” He said determinedly.

      “Em, I believe you. Let’s go back to the hostel, Sam and Jason must be worried.” I reach out my hand and Kenny hold it.

      It’s snowing, the snow covered our footprint. The plain revert to the peace, just nothing had happened.
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    第9章 (nine)The truth

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