(seven) Library
Library is quiet, everyone is studying, and so do I. The university course isn’t easy, especial classical literture. I am walking between the book stacks and looking for a good book to read.
My fingers are slipping across the back of the books. Then I see a book above me, it’s “Pride and Prejudice”. I like that book, it’s written by Jane Austen. I want to take that book down, but I am not tall enough and I lazy to walk out and ask the librarian’s help. When I am thinking about how to take that book down, a hand takes the book down from my right side.
“Is this the book you want?” Someone asked.
It’s a familiar voice. It’s Kenny. He is back to the French window, the sunlight drill through the window casting on the ground. It’s the first I see him under the sunlight, his skin is a little bit wan.
“Yes, thank you!” I said.
He hands the book to me and said “You like this book?”
“Yep, I have read it before and we have to do a project on novels. So I came the library to see if I could find a nice book or not. And I saw this book.”
“I see. I like this book, too. It’s really nice.” He said and smiled. Earring is shining under the sunlight; the shape of the earring is a cross and a diamond in the middle of it.
“Nice earring.” I said.
“Thanks” He touched his earring and said.
“So, thank you for taking the book down, I am going to sign it out. See you.” I said.
“Bye.” I heard he said.
Don’t know why, ever time I see Kenny; my heart is palpitating in my chest. Suddenly Sam’s voice come to my mind, “Do you like him?” Is that the feeling of like someone? I don’t know.
“Hey Sarah!” Kenny said and catches hold of my arm, “Do you want to go skiing with us this weekend? Only Jason and I will go, you can come with your friend.” He looks me in my eyes.
“Mm, let me talk to Sam first. Is that ok? Where are you going to ski?”
“Sure. Go north; there is a small town and a jokul.”