Mortal body, timeless soul
We all know that Alexander the Great, whose teacher was Greek’s great philosopher Aristotle, was a great militarist and politician. He learned a lot from Aristotle and became a Macedonian warrior at fourteen, a general at eighteen and king at twenty. Had conquered for almost ten years, he mastered all the Greek with his great talent and bold vision, occupied Egypt without striking a single blow, and swept the Middle East, making Macedonia one of the most magnificent empires in the world. He himself was also regarded as one of the most aggressive kings both now and then.
But unfortunately, he died at a very young age, thirty-two years old, just because of his addiction to warfare. It is such a pity that he died so young, with his potential unfulfilled.
However, as a saying goes, there is much more to life than how long you live. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that our breath is taken away from us. It is just because Alexander the Great died in a very young age that we could have the chance to imagine what would happen if he hadn’t died that young just as one of the most important factors that make the Story of the Stone a well-known book is because it is incomplete. If he had had a much longer life, maybe he would become a fatuous king finally just like many emperors in Chinese history, such as Emperor Xuanzong of Tang dynasty, who was very ambitious when he was young and became more and more muddle-headed as time went by.
Meteor impresses us most because it can show its most brilliant trace in short instantaneous delimit. What if a star lives a long life and fades out gradually No one will pay attention to it. So that we can say, Alexander the Great lived a short life, but his mortal life was fair-sounding like a brief song, strong like the summer sunshine and flowery like the summer flowers. Although Alexander the Great died at a young age, he lived a more valuable life than most of the people and his soul will live forever.
In a short period of time, he had made unprecedented achievements in promoting the prosperity and development of the ancient Greek culture and the intercourse of the Western and Eastern cultures and economies as well as encouraging intermarriage and advocating equality among ethnic group. All of these things had a significant and indelible impact on the progress of human society and culture. Alexander the Great had a mortal body but a timeless soul.
It reminds me of what we should do in our own life. As I said, not everyone can become as great as Alexander the Great, whose complements are incomparable. Living an ephemeral life, we can still try our best to make our life as brilliant as summer flowers. Now, ask yourself a question, how could we show our most brilliant race in life meteor in short instantaneous delimits