Kira - Golden Age

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      On the computer screen:

      'The habitants of Kira, or Kirans so they call themselves, believe that the history of Kira was half destroyed and made a full rebirth by the Godese, who claims to be a people of great power and talent who lost their home planet because of the same power and talent. Some Kirans still claim that they are pure-blooded descendents of the Godese, although the majority are used to enjoy the fun of guessing what kind of talent those cross-raced babies living around them may prossess and can develop. It's really hard to tell since you can find a girl with one wing black and the other golden but is most talented in finding clean water in the desert, which is definitely an ability of water-esprit or a member from Aqua's tribe, and also is some kind of genius in nembers - the pride of the Wildens. The fun is that you can never be sure about the outcome of a cross-raced marriage. Mind you, she can really fly! However, those who stick to the pure-blooded theory do have some great contributions to history study. Considering of the fact that Godese is now a undifferentialble part of Kiran, their stubborness is tolerable...'

      The mouse stops here and the screen shifts to Marne's diary.

      'July 9th, Public Calendar, year 27
      If Caromia or Kevin know about this project set by my dear granny, that will be a big "WOW".

      "You sound like a scholar already, you proud little tight-ass bookworm" would say Caromia with one raised eyebrow.

      "As a grand-daughter of mighty Melody, you finally are up to the family standards."That would be typical Kevin.

      From my painful experience, I should listen to their comments attentively and show my hearful consent with a flattering smile.

      Well, this is summer, my very first and last and only 15th summer. And I am doing this project: An Ancient History of Kira - Golden Age, trying to ignore the lovely outside because of my dear grandmother. This is definitely a set-up! The more I think about it, the surer I am! I admit that as a history addict, I do like to write some essays or analysis to newspapers about history to get some pocket money. But writing a whole Age? Not to mention the limitation of the information about THAT Age. I would say it is not on my schedule, at least not yet.

      So, how did I fall into witchy grandma's trap? It's alcohol to blame! Well, I was a bit too excited that I finally reached the legal age of drinking alcohol and drank a bit far too much. I was boasting about my knowledge of history, which was my only shinning-spot compared to the other family members and family friends. Then grandma poured me a glass of ice-wine, and talked about the mist over the Golden Age. As every Kiran knows,the official records contradict with each other. And I, totally forgot who I was and who my grandma was, declared that, if granted access to all the historic sites and libraries around Kira, I could fill in this blank of ancient history study by 21 and write a book about it.

      Grandma gave me that strange smile that never appeared before and set a lure. She said, "I will do better than get you the access to those, I can give you a very thorough list of libaries which are specialized in Golden Age histroy as long as the most respected historians' contact information with my personal reference. And if you do finish the book by 21, I would finance the publishing and write the preface for you."

      How could I resist! You know, I've decided to become a historian. Being a part-time writer sounds like a great choice for making extra money for me. Thanks to my grandparents and parents, I'm too used to luxury life-style. Since they all decide to leave me only a modest fund to keep me fed and housed, being a best-seller writer seems a brilliant idea to keep my living-standard. If grandma wrote the preface for me, it almost garrantees the sale. Don't say that I am too vulgar by using my grandma's fame. If my book is good enough for my grandma to sign, hey, it's worth buying. I was too excited about the idea of being young and rich to realize that gathering and reading through all the raw materials and having interviews only could take ages. I even made the unbrokable vow with grandma: if I didn't finish it by my 21st birthday, there will be a line "I broke my promise to Melody" shining around my waist which will change color 6 times a minutes. Leave that I do love to show my belly - my favourite part of my body, breaking a promise to Melody in Kira literally is a sentence to death.

      Probably feeling guilty of murling her little grand-daughter, she gave me this beautiful necklace, which is almost a symbol for her since she had worn it for as long as I could remember. She even got me a list of all the surviving pure-blooded Godeses' names and contact information! I really don't know how she got all these, those old-bones are very difficult to find and even more difficult to convince for an interview. The necklace, now magically bounded to me, will work as an ID when I meet them.

      So, here I am, tearfully, painfully starting on this project pre-writing, writing down what I know and making plans to look for what I don't know. Although I am a bit afraid that the begining sounded a bit too light-hearted, I decide to keep it the way it is - at least, this is my book.'

      Marne stares at what she just wrote down for a few minutes, then seriously considers a walk. She feels that thinking about this terrible project makes her puke, and taking a menage may help.

      Marne lives with her mother Mellifluence, her father Aquamarine, her grandma Melody and her grandpa Kylin. Aquamarine is an orphan, and so are Melody and Kylin. Being the only childe of her parents, Marne does feel lonely a lot. And the fact that whenever Marne is introduced to someone new unexpectedly, the reaction always being 'you are Melody's grand-daughter?!Mellifluence and Aquamarine's daughter?!Well, I believe you are a very gifted younge girl. What? Well, well, you know, true-tongue is very useful nowadays, you must be interested in biology, I daresay. No? You like history? That's very good also' doesn't help her morale much.

      Marne is like what her name indicates, average, normal,plain in every way,e.g.average look, average IQ. Forgot to mention, she is very bad at magic. The only thing that remotely links Marne to her family is that she is a true-tongue, i.e.,she can speaks with all the living creatures in the world.But Marne lacks the mental power to make them do her bidings,and almost 10% of the whole population are true-tongue.In this case, although biologist is a very respected profession nowadays, Marne is not qualified. She always feels like the only duck among swans.When Marne was around ten, she even doubted that she was adapted.
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    第1章 pratitya-samutpada

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