Chapter I
Comparing with the earlier years,2015 is the most turbulent time for me, how to say it, before I said that nothing is not about the material, but about the spiritual, now I will say, it’s not only about the spiritual but also about material.
2015, I have nothing.
How will you describe your life in a word
If me, I am always content to status quo, but it’s not content to me.
What on earth is the life
From birth to death,you study, work, get married, have a baby, then what
And now, this present moment, I write this plea agreement, I am guilty.
I work hard but I am guilty,
I live hard but I am guilty,
I earn money to support myself but I am guilty,
I observe the law but I am guilty,
I never hurt anyone but I am guilty,
I am guilty because I am single by this years old.