27th May
The Poison Giant
It all started when I received an email. There was no text just a picture of a pearl. I assumed it was spam but then, the next day, there was another one. Another email, another picture. Another pearl. And again and again. Six days, six pearls.
And then it just stopped with no explanation. I was happy to ignore it but Sherlock was intrigued. I think the thing that intrigued him the most was that I'd received the emails rather than him. Well, I think it irritated him. Well, I know it did. He called me one morning, shouting and demanding to know why the interesting people always emailed me and never him. Sometimes he really is just like a little kid.
We were able to trace the emails to a warehouse in Wapping owned by a Daniel Brennan. We found the warehouse but, unfortunately, we also found Daniel Brennan. He was lying next to a laptop, having been shot by a poisoned dart. Not that Sherlock noticed. He was too busy searching the laptop for further clues. He'd already worked out that basically we were on a treasure hunt. I made a joke about Anneka Rice's bum but he didn't get it.
We took the laptop back to Baker Street and examined it. It seemed to belong to someone called James Swandale, judging by the documents he'd oh-so-carelessly left on it. I didn't need Sherlock to tell me that it was some kind of trap. But still, he did.
He'd heard of Swandale. He was a jewel thief who could apparently get into lots of places easily because he was... well... short. Really, very short. I'm not sure what the correct word is these days.
What I couldn't understand was why he'd emailed me in the first place. Why lead me to an innocent man who he'd killed And, most weirdly, why lead me to a laptop full of clues as to the location of his next heist Obviously it was a trick of some sort. He wanted us to go the wrong place. But even then, why send me the emails at all Or was it all a trick by someone else Was someone else setting up Swandale To be honest, I was baffled. But then again, when am I not baffled
But Sherlock was Sherlock. It was all a big game. Someone had started a new game with him and he had to win. That was something I'd learnt myself quite quickly into our friendship.
The big clue we had to go on was that Swandale had got hold of the plans of a house belonging to some pop star from the 90s called Giles Conover. He'd been ‘big on the indie scene' apparently. I don't actually know what that means but there you go.
So off we went to do a stakeout. At night. And that's when we met James Swandale. He was, to be honest, terrifying. And he had his poisoned dart with him. And he had a friend. A big friend. A really big friend. Sherlock recognised him as Phil Dickinson, known to some as The Headcrusher. So, there we were being chased across a rooftop by Swandale and his poisoned dart only to run straight into this bloke who could break me in half with his bare hands.
And that's what it had all been about. Somebody had wanted us dead and rather than hire an assassin had hired a pair of jewel thieves who were like the parallel evil universe version of Little and Large. They were trying to outfox Sherlock by not playing by the rules.
We escaped, obviously. Sherlock's good with a sword and I'd bought a gun. One of them went off the roof and the other's currently in prison.
We never found out who was trying to kill us. I felt we should investigate further but Sherlock had already dismissed it as boring and irrelevant. He was far more interested in a phone call he'd just received from Greg.
About an elephant.
So that was that. Off we went. Ready to solve our next case. It's exhausting but, God, I've missed this life.
Another good one, mate.
Mike Stamford 27 May
迈克·斯坦福 5月27日
this is all liess!!! visit here ayt more abecause theu fdon't believ your lies MATE #teammoriarty
Anonymous 27 May
匿名 5月27日
Sherlock was proved to be innocent. Let it go.
Jacob Sowersby 27 May
雅各布·索维斯拜 5月27日
Cheers, Jacob.
John Watson 27 May
约翰·华生 5月27日
I used to love Giles Conover!!! Did you get his autograph!
James Gamlin 27 May
詹姆斯·甘林 5月27日
Sherlock Holmes 27 May
夏洛克·福尔摩斯 5月27日
①Wapping,也有译名维平区的。这里讲一下伦敦的行政区划吧。伦敦(London)有两个概念:大伦敦(Greater London)和伦敦城(City of London)。英国全国划分英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰4部分。大伦敦(Greater London)是英格兰下属的一级行政区之一,虽然在一般观念中它是个“城市”,但是在行政制度上它并不具有城市地位,而是一个“郡”级的单位(名誉郡)。大伦敦下辖伦敦城(City of London)和32个伦敦自治市,其中伦敦城(City of London)和威斯敏斯特(City of Westminster,又称西敏市)拥有城市地位。而其中伦敦城(City of London)又同时拥有“郡”的地位——尽管它同时也作为大伦敦你的一部分存在(绕晕没有?绕晕了那伦敦市市长和伦敦市长的区别我就不拿出来砸人了,我自己看维基百科也看了很久才明白过来……)当年奥运旗交接、去年访华的那位囧萌二缺的鲍里斯·约翰逊就是伦敦市长,管理的是大伦敦(Greater London)。
——我扯远了。Wapping是大伦敦下辖的一个自治市陶尔哈姆莱茨(Tower Hamlets)的下辖区域。
又,这地方属于内伦敦(Inner London),很漂亮。
②Daniel Brennan丹尼尔·布伦南,我查到的结果是Lord Daniel Brennan,这位是个终身贵族、大律师、女王陛下的法律顾问、上议院议员……拥有一大堆头衔。但是鉴于John用的是“a Daniel Brennan”,而且文中人已经死掉了而真正的Daniel Brennan爵士还活着,所以应该不是特指这位爵士,而是指代Daniel Brennan那样的大人物。
③Anneka Rice's bum。
Anneka Rice是威尔士一个电视节目主持人,她曾经在TVB的无线明珠台(没错就是那个TVB,明珠台是英文频道,经常有美国大片看的╮(╯▽╰)╭ )工作过几年。
这里的梗是:她的第一份工作就是参加一个叫Treasure Hunt(寻宝)的节目。我查了查发现这个节目两次播出,一次1982–1989(Anneka第一份工作的时候),第二次2002–2003——要我说,正常人谁能一下子想起来这玩意……
④从302看来是吹箭,但这里用的是dart……说箭总觉得是长长的那种弓箭。还是说我应该把poisoned dart翻译成毒吹箭比较好?
⑤The Headcrusher。