Fairy tale not reaching the forest (this is English version, authorized)

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      His mouth was slightly upward, and his mood suddenly became very good. He was still thinking that if any girl could make Miya Xu such a good character and good moral body, the comprehensive development of the boys, now he sees. He thought she should be worthy of walking side by side with Miyao. "You didn't tell her, do you think she was good? " asked Wooden. Miya shook her head softly: “No, I fear to scare her.” "It was a cowardly girl! Wooden could not help but smile, "When do we intend to officially introduce us to know? “Well, one day it will. “The Miya who said this is very confident. His white shirt sleeves rolled up, with a clean arm, and looked very refreshing. However, Wosunan did not think that he did not wait until this day. He saw the second time he saw the rain, in the second grade summer vacation. That year's summer vacation was also particularly hot, and the sun seemed to contribute all the heat, and it was unsoftly scorching the earth. He heard the news of Miyao's death, and the whole person was stuck. He thought it must be something wrong, how could the teenager who had just begun to die? When the girl mentioned of her favorite, the eyebrows become a particularly gentle teenager, how could it be that way to say no, go to another unknown world? However, even if it is difficult to accept, the truth is the truth. Seeing Miya Xu was packed in the crystal coffin, around him dotted a lot of white flowers, he really believed that his good friend, good brother, can never return. Miya told him that everything was the fault of the girl called Xia Picking Rain. If it wasn't for her, Miyao wouldn't want to dive, she wouldn't challenge her diving record on the 18th birthday. The death of Miya was an accident. His diving equipment was wrong, and the breathing regulator was bad. On the day of the funeral of Miyaxu, Wosunan saw the rain pick up. He was scared and even a little couldn't believe that the girl was a rain. The girl standing in front of the bookshelf gives a quiet and lazy feeling, is now thin. She was trampled, and she couldn’t find the focus with a pair of eyes. She seemed to be experiencing a troubled battle. He stood in the crowd, without coming to the ground, feeling a little sour. Miyao was dead in the face of the rain pick up, no one knows what she is really suffering, deep self-reproach and outer vicious condemnation, enough to drive madness a quiet girl. Yes, she looked no different from a mad man. She wanted to enter the Hall, but she was driven away by Miya and Miya’s mother over and over again. She was not annoyed, and she fell and went on to go. She was so embarrassed, so many people, but none of them reached out to her. All eyes are indifferent, with mad hatred. Lost important loved ones, always someone to be hated, otherwise how can those painful emotions be vented? But what is she gonna do? What is she going to do with this clearly collapsed girl? Everyone was whispering, and all were pointing at her, only Wosunan did not. In his amber eyes, a gloomy light was flashed. This farce ended up finally with the arrival of the rain mother. It was a middle-aged woman who had broken her heart for children, and she and Xia picked up rain a little like, when young, must be a pretty woman. Her attitude was so humble that she kept saying sorry to the Palace family, she held the almost mad summer pick up rain, and took her away. “Why my brother died, she was alive, it was her fault…” Miya kept saying the words repeatedly. Wooden opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he said nothing. He was as sad as Miya, for he played with him to the great brother, and could never return. The girl, though she was painful, but at least alive, she was just sad for a while, and when she came out, she would have a future. This is enough to make Miya feel unfair. He soon left the rain behind. He did not think, not wondering whether the thin girl had come out. A year later passed. In the first year after Miyao's death, in the stone-lit cemetery, he met again with the summer rain a year later. That day, he went to the cemetery with Miya to see Miya. On July 28, this ordinary day became extremely special because of the departure of the teenager. Outside the cemetery, Wosunan went to buy a wind-fan. As he walked into the cemetery with flowers, he saw Miya and a girl arguing. It is not true that it is not so much a quarrel, but rather a unilateral condemnation of Miya. The girl was reprimanded and squatted on the ground to pick up the white rose she brought. She was so embarrassed on the ground that she was so unbearable. For a year, the girl seemed to be no longer crazy, but it did not seem to have come out of the shadow of Miyao’s death. The ghost made the wooden bent down and picked up the last rose for her. She looked up, and the deer's general gaze passed through his face. He was stuck in the place for a while, and that look was really shocking. What kind of look is that! Fear, guilt, anxiety, uneasiness and insensitivity, like all negative emotions precipitate there, and don’t know what kind of eyes will eventually mix into. Her hands were shattered by the piercing of roses, and a piece of flesh and blood were blurred. Woodnan wanted to catch her, but she turned quickly and ran as if something terrible was chasing her. The rain grew heavier, and she ran so eager, because the anxiety fell. She was quickly swallowed up by heavy rain. He stood with an umbrella, and he was a little overwhelmed in his heart. He came to this school today, in fact, for a moment of blood, to see what the school Miya Xu once had been to. A year, someone as big as he, all graduated from here smoothly, will move to another starting point of life, only Miyao was left. He did not expect that the Xia pickup rain would appear here, so suddenly, she appeared before his eyes. This is the third time Musenan faced the summer rain pick up close. The first was at Miyaku's funeral, the second was in the cemetery of Miyaku, and the third was in the classroom where Miyaku had been. Every time she was different, three times, not very few, but no longer in the library, he looked at the past as quiet as he looked at the past in Miyaku. He watched the summer pick up the rain, and the mood became very bad. She was strong, he wanted her not to laugh, but she was angry. He excited her, and she became irritable. It looked like the crazy summer rain he saw at the funeral. So he went after. The bus was driving, and the taxi followed slowly. Wooden is in a hurry. Xia picked up the rain to the hospital, she knocked to her forehead when she fell, and shed a lot of blood, he did not know if she had knocked the skull. Finally, the bus stopped, and the rain ran quickly from the back door. He hurried to pay the fare and ran forward with the rain. It was raining outside and it was heavy. He followed all the way. Xia picked up the rain into the neighborhood, and he kept following her behind her and witnessed her knocking on the door. Seeing the Xia pickup rain mother pulled into the house so embarrassed summer pickup rain, he let go. He thought he should apologize to her. Miya Xu is dead, and the pain of Xia pickup rain is not less than any of them. They can hate the summer and rain, but who will they hate? It is so quiet a girl, but it has become this look. Wooden stood in the rain, the rain slipped down his face, and he turned slowly back. The pedestrian passed by with an umbrella, and looked at him on his side. He didn’t care, just stretched his hand and wiped his face and went on. And he hadn't walked to the bus station, and saw the mom who picked up the rain driving and passing by with the summer pickup rain. The wheel splashed the water, and his head spilled him all over. His heart was grabbed, hoping that the summer rain would not have any big problems. As a good friend of Miya Xu, he should be with Miya and his enemies, hate the rain, but witnessed her suffering and struggle, he has no idea how to continue to hate her. She is a girl she likes so much. Mu Sunan remembers very clearly that every time Miyao said about the summer rain, his eyes always shimmering. Although he never confessed to liking the rain, he liked the emotion to hide. He likes the rain, so he likes it. And if it wasn't for liking, how would he pick up the rain on a day that was so important at the age of 18? How could you want to break your limits in front of her? In fact, that day, Miyao Xu wanted to show his heart to the Xia pickup rain! Because he is 18 years old, he is an □□, so as an □□, Miyao, can finally confess to the girls he likes. What a pity, his likes stopped abruptly, he died in front of his beloved girl, leaving her with tears, pain and hostility throughout the world. If Miya Xu knew that Xia pickup rain had become this look now, how would he sustain himself? It'll hurt! Heart? Wooden stopped in his footsteps, and something flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized one thing. At the funeral she was mad, and only he had not looked at her with hatred; and afterwards in the cemetery he could not help but stooped to pick up a white rose for her; and today he was determined to pursue her almost paranoid ... the most fundamental reason for this strange move was that he had pity her and pained her. He smiled and thought he might have been sick, or how could there be such a ridiculous idea? The man is Xia pickup rain, because he is alienated from the inspection equipment, so that Miya Xu died of an accidental culprit! How could he feel poor about her? He shook his head and tried to shake the idea out of his mind as if he had the idea of betraying the people in the world. At this time, the mom of Xia picked up the rain drove into the underground parking lot. She walked into the emergency room with wet summer rain. She held towels to her forehead, where she broke a hole and blood kept running out. Registered, paid, filmed, visited, summer mother kept busy. The rain was silent from beginning to end. She was not in good condition, as if she was in a sleepwalk, the pupils were dispersed, and there was no brilliance inside. Dr. Zhang received the phone from the sixth floor, and he saw the Xia pick up the rain, and frozen. "How could you make this? Dr. Zhang remembered that the state of Xia pickup rain clearly improved, she recovered well, continued, slowly, can walk out of that shadow. But now, as he looked at the rain picking up in a chair like a statue, without a soul, he thought it must be too optimistic, she did not improve, she was clearly worsening. Summer Mother told Dr. Zhang about the recent situation of the rain pick up to Xia. Like Dr. Zhang, she had faith in the rain. Especially her recent mood was really good, as if the vitality that had been lost from her all returned to her body, with little expression of worry. She thought it was a sign of improvement, she thought that she had seen the dawn, and the once summer pickup rain was finally coming back. However, when she saw the Xia pickup rain as she returned home, she held the cup in her hand to the ground, the ceramic teacup, and at once broken into countless fragments. She realized that, as Dr. Zhang realized, what was okay, what was cheerful and lively, it was just an illusion, giving people a vain hope, and then crushing that beautiful luxury. She hasn't been better, she hasn't been better! "What happened today? Dr. Zhang’s expression was a bit serious, “There must be a reason, did she see someone, was stimulated? “She went to school. "Mom Summer shook her head gently," she said, wanting to go to the original school before going to college to take a good look. What happened after that, I don’t know. "I know. “At that moment, a boy’s voice came from the door. Mother Summer and Dr. Zhang looked back at the door at the same time, and saw a wet teenager standing in the door. He was wearing a white shirt, black cloth, and a little bit of natural roll of short hair in dripping. He seemed to have just run, still breathing. His eyes were a little messy, amber eyes, with self-reproach and remorse. “You are…” Mom Summer frowned slightly. She instinctively thought that the rain had become this, must have something to do with this teenager. So she went first and didn’t feel very good about him. “I am Mu Sunan, a friend of Miyao, and I went to school in the afternoon as well. Wooden explained, "Sorry, I said a very excessive word." "For example…" Dr. Zhang had his hands round his chest, and his eyes were serious. Wooden will encounter the summer pick up rain after the reaction and expression of the rain pick up, all carefully and carefully said Dr. Zhang. Dr. Zhang finished listening to the expression became very bad, and the scene suddenly quiet. Musnan looked at the summer rain picking up sitting beside, like a puppet, not smiling, and eyes without focus. From beginning to end she seemed to have exiled her soul outside her body, as if whatever happened, she could not see and hear. “Sorry, it was my fault. Wooden Vietnam blamed himself. Watching such summer rain, even if the heart is hard, will give a few pity. “Thank you, that’s useful. Dr. Zhang said, "There's nothing here for the moment, picking up rain needs to be hospitalized to observe. "Dr. Zhang, picking up the rain like this…" Mother Summer looked full of worries. “I need to be sure again. Dr. Zhang looked in his eyes with a guilt, "Sorry, I may have misdiagnosed." "Oh? " Mom Summer looked at Dr. Zhang with dismay, "misdiagnosis? “Was she sick?” “She is sick? Wooden was surprised, "she ..." Dr. Zhang said, "Summer, you go to the hospital admission procedure, pick up rain needs to be hospitalized to observe, and the wound on her head needs to be treated." “Well, I’m going. “Mom stood up and walked out of the room. For a while, only there was Musunan, Dr. Zhang, and a puppet-like summer rain. "Is she sick because of Miya's death? Wooden hesitated, or asked. He remembered that at Miyao's funeral, the haggard and thin summer pick up rain, did she become that way, because she was sick? Is it a terrible illness? Can one person become another? “Yes, that’s the cause. And prompted her to become this, in addition to Miyao's death, there are people condemning the indifferent eyes. Dr. Zhang said dimly, "the hate and regret pressed on her exceeded the limit, she couldn't bear it, so she was sick." "Then what happened to the misdiagnosis you just said? " asked Wooden. Dr. Zhang shook his head softly: “Not sure now. My previous diagnosis was PTSD, which is what people often call PTSD. But according to her current incidence and what you say, it is more like a bidirectional emotional disorder. However, this must be confirmed through testing. "What is that? Woo Sunan has not been very interested in medicine, at this time listening to Dr. Zhang to say so, only feeling a fog. “That is what we often call bipolar disorder. It is a type of mental disorder, referring to a type of diseases that have both manic and depressive episodes. According to NAMI (National Federation of Mental Diseases), more than 100 million people worldwide suffer from bipolar disorder. However, the illness of the rain is still only suspicious stage. Then, Dr. Zhang stopped talking to Wooden any more, but began to find ways to communicate with the rain pick up. Wooden felt that he was here to prevent Dr. Zhang from giving a rain pick up to visit Xia, so after looking at the rain pick up and walk away. He was a little messy in his heart, and all kinds of emotions were mixed together, and he could not say what those were. After he returned home, he went online to check what Dr. Zhang said about bipolar disorder. Although Dr. Zhang said that Xia pickup's illness has not been finally diagnosed, Mu Xinnan feels that Dr. Zhang's suspicions are right. After Miyao Xu's death, he saw three times summer rain pick up, each time her state was different. The first time she was like a madman; the second time in the cemetery she was sad and sorry, as if never to be fine; and the third time, in school, she was very unstable and the whole man seemed so restless. Woody subconsciously grasped his hand into a fist. In his heart, he also blamed the summer rain pick up, if she checked the equipment seriously, Miyao wouldn't die. But now he saw the rain turned into this way, and he could not hate it. The living man is the most painful, because if he dies, nothing can feel. No more pain, no harm, but also no future. And the rain, what does she have? She is alive, but she has no future. Wosunan turned off the page and found the song to listen, but the heart is still irritable. He opened the door and decided to walk out while the night wind was out. At this time, in the hospital, Xia picked up the rain on the bed, and kept looking out the window. The rain had stopped long ago, the night sky was very clear, and countless stars shining with ambiguous glow, flashing like the obscure heart of the little girl. Which one would you be, Miyao? Her eyes were very clean, as if the window washed by the storm was clean, crystallized and without stains. She closed her eyes against her back and slowly sinned into her dream town. She thought that opening her eyes tomorrow must be a different world. Mother Summer gently closed the door of the ward, and the smile on her face finally completely scattered. She slipped down against the door and then covered her mouth with her hands, and a suppressed choking spilled out. She had no idea what to do. Five days later, Xia picked up rain out of the hospital, and Summer Mother had completed the discharge formalities and brought her home. It was a sunny day and the air was still hot. Xia pickup rain's head was tied with bandages, the place where the head broke was not good, but her mental state was good. She looked so bright, and whoever looked would say she was healthy and sunny. She got out of the car first, so did not see that after she left, the smile on her face quickly disappeared, and was almost crying. At 6:30 in the morning, I opened my eyes on time. These days I wake up at this point, and the clock is more precise than the clock. Brush your teeth and then go downstairs for breakfast. Early morning my mother had not risen, I changed my shoes to open the house. In the early summer morning, the sun was not so dazzling, a shallow fog was covered over the city. Over time, the fog eventually dissipated in the sun. Outside the neighborhood gate, there is a breakfast shop, the soy milk and oil strips are delicious. “Morning, pick up the rain. "The store was an uncle in his fifties, who was gentle and saw me smiling, "What do you want to eat today?" Or a bowl of soy milk and two oil strips? “Well, a bowl of soy milk and two oil strips. “Breakfast here, I have been a big kid. When I was a child, my dad died, and then I was dependent on my mother. When my mother was busy at work and didn’t have time to prepare breakfast for me, I was basically the breakfast problem solved at this store. “Okay, sit down first and bring it to you right away. The uncle answered and turned to busy. I sat down on a clean stool and couldn’t say anything well. I want to share my good mood with people, and I want the world to know that I am in a good mood. I took out my phone and opened □□ and sent a greeting to everyone. However, there are not many people who are on □□, so after I greeted, nobody responded to me. I don’t mind at all, it doesn’t affect my good mood at all. I then opened all the □□ groups and shared my mood at this moment with them, and I took the sign name of the store and shared the location. “Pick up the rain, your soy milk and oil strips. “My uncle brought his breakfast to my face. "Thank you Uncle Chen! I smiled at him with a brilliant smile, and he gave a moment. "The rain looks good! He smiled and said, “Good, it rained over the sun.” "Yes, Uncle Chen is good business and in a good mood!
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