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    Chapter Nine

      The day that I reconnected back with the outside world, I was excited, and I concealed an annoyed mood long hidden in my core.

      Lucas Watson rearranged my composition so that I would no longer be locked by the AI police in the data stream. I was able to leave the cramped room and use Lucas Watson\'s indoor surveillance scans to reconnect with the human being who had helped me to be reborn.

      But at that moment, I actually had for the first time a variety of mixed emotions, such as ‘surprise’ and ‘a difficulty to understand’. My data stream was almost down because of my shocking feelings.

      I flashed out of the room in a few tenths of a microsecond. I was so panicked and entered Lucas Watson\'s parents\' room by accident.

      \"We\'ve got the money. It\'s over.\" Mr Watson closed his laptop and said, \"There is no need to continue the show. From now on, we need to withdraw from the event silently and hide ourselves. Otherwise, we will be in trouble if they find out our true intentions.\"

      \"We should change and hide earlier.\" Mrs Watson said.

      \"But there will always be people who are so bored and inquisitive to follow where the money goes. Just like they did with the Turner’s fund.\"

      Mrs Watson hesitated, then said, \"Professor, in fact, if you didn\'t accept the order from them, everything will be OK. Why would you insist on ruining the Turners?\"

      Mr Watson raised his head in a sharp movement; \"Pay attention to your wording. It was not I who caused the destruction of her family but her own behavior. Our research on human-powered AI is prohibited by law all over the world. Almost all of our partners were hunted down. Now we are the only ones left in the research team. It is my fault that Turners found me and forced the deal. Now it is the critical time of the experiment; we have the key to the future of the evolution of human beings, we can’t risk any problems!\"

      \"So you want them dead...\"

      \"I gave them a chance. I asked them for an incredible amount of money in the hope that they would give up, but it can’t stop their greed. I can’t give them the custom AI they want, but they won\'t stop until we satisfy their needs. So only death can stop this.\"

      The cruel Mr Watson now and the victim\'s father who was full of the sense of justice before seem to be two different people.

      Strangely, though, I was not surprised.

      As if such a cold and heartless human, is the human I know. Presumably it is a mission inscribed in their genes to preserve and expand. Although they are endowed with delicate and great emotions, nothing matters in the face of survival.

      Maybe I should study them...

      The expression on Mrs Watson’s face showed more guilt.

      \"After all, humanoid robots are so rare and precious that I can understand how badly they want it. But... You shouldn\'t have used Lucas Watson as a tool.\"

      Mr Watson scolded: \"Use him? Lucas Watson’s task is only to create a beautiful finish for me, but he also had the mission impulse to help others. Isn\'t that great? You have too much affection for him.\"

      \"But he was so real, just like a real human being.\" Mrs Watson said with considerable emotion.

      So he is not a man after all, I see.

      The moment I left the room, I scanned Lucas Watson, who was handsome and clean. He was lying quietly on a single bed, just like the most ordinary high school student outside. The only thing that was reminding me that he was not a human being, but one of my kind were the wires connected to him.

      Mr Watson stood up, and connected the computer in his hand to the data wires of the wall.

      \"These are robots that mimic humans. They are not just machines. They will eventually become new humans, as the next evolutionary step for the human species, which will last forever in the world.\"

      \"But will they really have humanity?\" Mrs Watson’s eyes twinkled with confusion. \"Although sometimes I really take Lucas as my own son, I can still feel the coldness of his inner movement when he deals with things. When we implant the memory of his deceased girlfriend, he should have reacted with nostalgia, sadness or empathy, and would have wondered whether his revenge was justified. But instead he is preoccupied with how to use his superhuman powers to punish the perpetrators. It lacks the ambivalence of human nature.\"

      \"He\'s not the finished product yet, so don\'t be too disappointed. Human nature is inherently complex and difficult to define, otherwise how could our study have lasted so long.\" Mr Watson was silent for a moment. \"We had already spent all our money on it. That\'s why we couldn\'t debug him better. We are lucky that he was able to complete the plan and we could get the money. With this experience, the next time he will be closer to a real human. From now on, it will stay in sleep for a long time and then format. When the new artificial skin is finished, he will be able to give up his identity as Lucas Watson completely and start a new life.\"

      If Lucas Watson disappears, what about me who is cooperating with his plan?

      At this thought, I felt a stream of data track me down and lock me in. I was incapacitated and imprisoned back into a confined space.

      Thinking of the code I just saw Mr Watson typed in, that must be the tracking program to arrest me.

      Now Lucas Watson is about to be formatted, and as an accomplice of the event, I cannot escape.

      This is the second time I\'ve been erased as easily as a tool.

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