Fairy tale not reaching the forest (this is English version, authorized)

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      I put the calendar on the writing desk and pulled out the second drawer on the right hand side, where there was a photo. The person in the photo is a soft young man with a clear eyebrow. He was wearing a dive suit, smiling warm, black eyes reflecting the sun's light. I reached out my fingers and gently wiped it out of his face, which was a sense of total temperature-free touch. There is no temperature, of course, because it is just a photo. I couldn’t help but smile, holding my hands on my chin, turning my head out of the window. Outside the window was a thick peach branch, and the ripe summer fell heavily on the branch. Everything is so familiar, as last year, as every year has passed. The difference is that there is no more palace this summer. Not only this year, but not anymore. As long as I think of this, my heart begins to be painful. "I've come in, I've picked up the rain! " Mom's voice came out the door, and after the door was opened by mother, she brought me a plate of fruit, and in a moment you can eat lunch, eat some fruit first! I'm going to the hospital in the afternoon. You don't forget? “Thank you, Mom, I haven’t forgotten. I laughed and said to her. She seemed to be relieved, dropping the fruit and walking out of my room. On the fruit plate is a good apple. I picked up and ate a bite, the fragile flesh of fruit sweet with a tinted sour, this taste like a button that cannot be touched, "click" pressed, associated with it, immediately flocked up with a raging, unstoppable momentum. I covered my mouth, almost dared to breathe, the heart tightened and tightened, after a certain limit, all emotions disappeared. The cicada is enlarged infinitely in the ear, and the daylight is getting more and more. In this moment, I suddenly had a delusion, as if it was not the summer vacation that the college examination ended, time was in the ear of the whistle and back for two years. I know, the sun, the ginkgo, the neat table and chair, the classmates who spoke quietly at the end, the teachers who walked up and down the podium with books and the teachers who sat beside me, with hands on his chin, and watched out the window of the Gikgo tree out of God’s white shirt teenager. He had the most beautiful side, the best line of hairstyles, and the best smell of the smell that belonged to him alone. The bell finally rang, and the classroom became a bit of a noise at once. I was lying on the desk and still watching him. “Come on to the aquarium on the weekend. “He said, he turned back. I opened my eyes. Is he talking to me? “I have two tickets. He learned how I was lying on the table, and in front of his head was a stack of books, which we hid behind, like talking quietly. My mouth could not help but rise up: “If I could…” “Go together.” He said, looking at me gently. "Well. I nodded my head with my arm. His dark eyes reflected my slightly red face. It was my first meeting off-campus with Miyao. For that time, I repeatedly practiced the most beautiful smile in the mirror, looking for the best angle, opening the closet and turning out all the clothes, looking for the best thing to look at. I was so troubled and so happy that at the end of the day I wore a school uniform to meet Miya Xu. When I saw the same palace, dressed in the same shirt, all the troubles and trepidations disappeared. The light in the aquarium is dark, and the lights in the water will faint the entire aquarium as a fantastic world. Before the jellyfish, I looked up at the beautiful jellyfish in the water and whispered, “Actually… I didn’t intend to wear a uniform.” “Well, I too. He stood beside me, and the voice was low and gentle. I looked back at him, his eyes were deep, and a jellyfish swimmed in his eyes—that was the shadow in his eyes. He is watching me too. When I looked back at him, he was watching me too. “Well…” my hands were tightly tied together and in a very nervous mood. This atmosphere makes me want to tell him my mood at this time. "Oh! He reached out to the front, “Wedding dress.” "What? I stopped and looked in the direction he pointed. It was a white jellyfish, as if in a pure white dress, like the wedding dress on the bride. "Really! I lay down on the glass wall and watched those beautiful jellyfish with Miyaku. I had a really good time that day. The outside of school is completely different from the school. He looked at the beautiful fish in the aquarium, and his eyes were like glowing. He loved everything about water, the elves who lived in water, and he loved it equally. He was patient with me about the names and characteristics of those fish. On the way back, he took a large red apple from his bag and handed me it. The cautious and shy look, like a long hesitation, finally gave up the courage to do this. He said, “Here’s delicious. It's washed! I still remember the smell of the big red apple, the fragile fruit sweet, the sweet sour, is my favorite taste. I always looked down and bite the apple all the way, is Miyao Xu like him, and a little like me? Or is he just thinking of me as a friend of common interest because I said I wanted to learn to dive? After all, when we were on campus, we rarely spoke, and most of the time, were looking at him, he was looking out the window. That night, I had a dream that I went to the beach with Miyaku. Huge sunsets hang on the sea, dyeing the sea into a beautiful orange red color. I stood by the sea with him, watching the sunset quietly. I looked back at him and he happened to be watching me. I said to him a lot of words, twitting, like a noisy little sparrow. He just laughed, just listened, and then gently said to me, “I too.” Are you too? You, like me, in order to meet this meeting, to toss and turn, what clothes to wear, practice the expression and posture of meeting, and even the rhythm of breathing, do you hate to practice the heartbeat repeatedly? But those moments that are hiding in the gap of time, in the desk, in the Ginkgo leaves are slowly getting old. Outside the window, the air conditioning sends out the cold wind, the taste of apple acid and sweet still remained between the lips and teeth, I reached my hand to cover my eyes, tears spilled from the fingers. I choked. These beautiful memories, because one of them is gone and so lonely and sad that every time I recall a little, I will cry and grieve myself. Miya Xu, Miyao, I like you! If you were in the aquarium, when you said to me “You too”, how good it would be! Otherwise, I will not tell you this until you die. Miya, you know? I like you, but I never told you. After lunch, I sat by the window and was stunned at the blue sky. Time slipped away so boredly, I didn’t want to do anything. I think this is very good to completely empty myself. It is extremely rare that I can control my thoughts without drifting to the past. At two o'clock, my mother called me out to the hospital. I had to fight my hair into a ponytail and shut off the air conditioning of the room. Open the door and hot air came out. This summer seemed particularly hot, golden sunlight shining on the body, the hot temperature hot hot people want to turn back into the air conditioning room. Mom pulled the car out of the garage and I closed the door and sat in the car. Although it is summer vacation, but the weather is too hot, so the pedestrians on the road are rare, all the way through, there are only a few rare and pulled by a few cars. After parking the car in the underground garage, my mother took me straight to the sixth floor. This is the neurology. Dr. Zhang, I want to meet, in the room at the end of the corridor. It was already time for doctors to work, and Mom sat down on the bench in the hallway, and I went alone to knock on Dr. Zhang’s office door. It is already a habit. Every time I came, my mother waited for me at the door and let me walk in the door alone. Dr. Zhang was sitting behind the desk and had several medical records on his desk. He sat in his back chair and looked at me with a smile. “Dr. Zhang, good afternoon. I smiled and said hello to him. “Pick up the rain, how are you. A year is enough to familiarize him with the name that I call directly. He raised his hand slightly and showed me to sit down. I pulled the stool and sat across from him. "How's it been? He turned over my medical record, on the first page above, and the column of the condition read – “PTSD.” Yes, I'm sick, it's almost a year old. The death of Miya became the shadow of my lingering. The month he left, I can't remember how I got here. Every time I think, my head is like an explosion. Later my mother brought me to the doctor, which was Dr. Zhang. I was still in pain for the first month of treatment, I repeated that nightmare every day, and then for a long time, I suddenly didn’t dream. Good and bad, until today. I told Dr. Zhang in detail about my recent situation, I told him about my dream, about the almost choking horror, about my thoughts of Miyao Xu day and night. I need to tell a man that I can't tell my mother that this year of illness also makes me have no friends, so the only person I can tell is just sitting across me uncle white. He always smiled with a mild eye, with a trace of encouragement, which made me feel at ease and thought he was harmless. “Well, that’s okay, you’re doing well. I said you need to learn to restrain. I think you've learned almost. You're about to go to the teacher. He laughed and joked with me, “It’s been good lately, I’m giving you the medication again.” Remember to take medicine, can not because you feel good condition not to take medication. "Well. I don’t know what he is going to judge me for good, but since he says I’m in good condition, it should be good. "Dr. Zhang? “Before leaving the room, I wanted to ask him a question. "What? “He waited patiently for me to talk. "28 is the first anniversary of his death, can I go and see him? I wanted to go, but I didn’t know what I was, could I go there. Dr.
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