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    Chapter Six

      Speech made by the Judge:

      \"New evidence has been submitted by the plaintiff. The evidence has been tested by the technical personnel of the parties to determine if it’s validity and reasonableness is true. We will re-subpoena the witness, the NC800 personality robot, for a statement of events.\"

      I can feel that this time the data flow was very unfriendly to me.

      The ‘thoughts’ that I used to hide so easily within my core now have nowhere to hide. I have to follow the rules of the program and give out truthful and effective answers to the questions posed.

      Second statement by Witness No. 3:

      \"Yes, my threshold was modified, but I don\'t think it has made a difference. The \'Sofia Morgan\' role I played had a reasonable reaction from the victim. She is depressed, sad, and wants to find someone to pour everything out to but was excluded by all the people around. Lucas Watson is the only one she can release pressure to, and she relied on him because of his patience, and even cried to him about her experiences. She wanted someone to rescue her, and that person was Lucas Watson.\"

      \"In my judgment, \'Sofia Morgan\' wanted revenge. Her peaceful campus life was broken by Eliana Turner and people like her. Aholy and pure land had become a hell to \'Sofia Morgan\'. As long as she got rid of the Demon \'Eliana Turner’, everything shall return to calm.\"

      ‘Demon’ is a word with strong personal feelings. No one would have expected me to say it. There was an uproar in the courtroom and, of course, on the Internet.
      But when I said those words, I was well prepared.
      Engineers have dug into my deep thoughts, and must have found proof already.
      Like a magic trick, when the curtain came down, I had nothing to hide.

      \"Yes, I used the term \'unplug\', which is usually a necessary method for the most effective reboot when we have a stalled BUG. In my opinion, Eliana Turner is the BUG of \'Sofia Morgan\'; ‘unplugging’ her is necessary.

      \"Why Lucas Watson? It is clear that \'Sofia Morgan\' did not have the courage to stand up to Eliana Turner directly. It is her character and I cannot do anything against it. That\'s why I chose Lucas Watson, whom Sofia Morgan aspires to be her savior.

      \"The only lie I hid was that on the day of the incident, \'Sofia Morgan\' told Lucas Watson that the reason she wanted to die with Eliana Turner was because of sexual rumors that Eliana had spread. ‘Sofia\' felt that she can’t face Lucas Watson because of the rumor, so she confessed to Lucas Watson that she loved him, and this enlarged her hate for Eliana Turner. Based on Lucas Watson’s sense of justice, he would try to prevent the tragedy.”

      The outcome of the case changed dramatically because of my speech.

      The Simulated Campus organization lost the lawsuit, and as its superior organization, the Against Campus Violence and Violence Assessment Factor Active Research Institute was determined to be jointly and severally liable for the lack of supervision.

      Eliana Turner’s parents have been awarded a huge amount of compensation, which they have donated in the form of a fund to fight for more children identified as ‘potential criminals’. They have attended various media platforms and delivered moving speeches, raising a storm of doubts about the legitimacy of the Potential Criminal Correction law. Many people have started to donate money to support them, and to help those who are still confined to the simulated school without committing a crime.

      But it\'s not relevant to me anymore.

      I was punished for formatting, and after I read the last stream of network data, my consciousness was plunged into darkness.

      Maybe I made a mistake and this is the punishment I deserve. Even though it is not my fault, I\'ll still be punished because I\'m not human. Erasing my existence in this world is so simple for mankind.

      After all, a tool should have the consciousness of a tool, and the ability to think for itself is the most dangerous thing a tool could have.

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