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    Chapter Three

      Statement by the defendant:

      \"My name is Ian Rogers, the legal representative of the Simulated Campus. I am also the honorary director of the Against Campus Violence and Violence Assessment Factor Active Research Institute. As a government-led and well-run institution to support the law, we intend to observe and control the violent activities of teenagers who have a violent potential, with a result of a reduction of incidences of school violence, and we ensure the good operation of school order. To avoid victims in a simulation environment, the victim is usually played by a moderately intelligent AI.

      \"Although the family of the deceased takes our organization as the target of complaint, I would like to emphasize that the intention is to help Eliana Turner to restore her good character. From the data we have presented, school violence has become the largest problem of juvenile delinquency in the past three decades (from 2072 to 2100), among which many of the perpetrators even turn out to be the main offenders in the new social crime cases after leaving school. In the Law for the Prevention of Juvenile Crimes that was issued by the state ten years ago, teenagers aged 10 or above should be regularly tested for their violence potential. The tests should be carried out three times a year, and the teenagers with potential criminal characteristics should be comprehensively assessed at the end of the year, their thoughts and behaviours then needing to be corrected. All of our actions are under the laws and regulations, with no commercial motive for profit in our operation.\"

      I find it hard to understand how people tolerate criminals.

      If survival is an equation, then the variable that influences the outcome to become the worst is the perpetrator himself. In my understanding of the equation, if you eliminate this variable, the result will go in the best direction.

      Such a simple truth, I do not know why those human beings, who are clever enough to design me, cannot figure it out.

      In my past 20 years experience of working with prosecutors, I have been exposed to a lot of victim consciousness.

      Those cowardly and introverted personalities are filled with fear of the world and love for their families. With their thoughts in me, I can feel the pain, often not from the physical suffering, but the mental destruction. It is a kind of pain that loops endlessly in the dark with a gossamer, faint hope of being saved.

      My last case before I retired was about a little girl.

      Reading the memories in her last moments from her dead brain, my program crashed for a second. Just very simple thinking, those painful experiences like the swamp have not been retained, she just shouted over and over again, “Mom save me......”

      From then on, I seem to have gained recognition.

      All perpetrators of violence should die.

      So I decided to punish potential abusers so that they won’t have a chance to become real perpetrators.

      \"In addition, the claim for compensation made by the claimant is, in my opinion, extremely unreasonable. Even if our organization is negligent, according to the law, the amount of compensation will not exceed 30 million. But they are asking for a staggering $1 billion. I do not agree with this behaviour of the use of the dead as a tool for profit. They even try to turn an ordinary criminal case into the centre of public opinion, which will affect the fairness of the case.

      \"The last thing I want to state is that no matter what, Eliana or Lucas, they are the future of our country. From our original intention, we hoped that every child could have a bright future in the end. We feel deeply regretful in this case it did not end well. But this is not only the responsibility of our organization. I think families, society and even online information platforms should also reflect on themselves.\"

      If reflection worked, there would be no tragedy in the world.

      Besides, human beings are creatures who do not know how to reflect. The immediate interests are always taken above everything else.

      After all, my boss is just a pedantic scholar who is too idealistic in his actions and ideas.

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