銀河時分 [空投月石] [收藏此作者]  【http://353141.jjwxc.net】
专栏主人 列纳河 的自白: 我还是个读者哟

"Hammett give murder back to the kind of people that commit it for reasons, not just to provide a corpse; and with the means at hand, not hand-wrought dueling pistols, curare and tropical fish."

"Hammett did something else, he made the detective story fun to write, not an exhausting concatenation of insignificant clues. Without him there might not have been a regional mystery as clever as Percival Wilde's Inquest..."


But all this (and Hammett too) is for me not quite enough.

— Raymond Chandler (The Simple Art of Murder,1950)


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