Nether World [空投月石] [收藏此作者]  【】
专栏主人 世界 的自白: 我还是个读者哟

Seeking for nothing, living for no one.
Don't know what's the reason for getting out of the bed everyday in my life, as they always say that lives are so precious and brief.
I was abandoned by God as the sinner of freedom, then smile.


So, let the masquerade begin.
Come,descendants and fledglings of dark.
Drop yr blood and take the oath.
Indulge yrself in our embraces, and shall never wake up...
最近更新作品:《血*******堂》  作品状态:连载  作品字数:6288  最后更新时间: 2006-11-18 22:20:01
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〖第*******部〗  血*******堂 [锁]
/ 连载 6288  59,703  2006-11-18 21:34:33
 白* [锁]
/ 连载 2605  31,272  2006-11-09 02:56:15
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