

从欢欢的大作”莲与泰”追来至今,已是她忠实读者的我,一直想替欢欢的秘密花园写一些东西(评论也好、读后感也罢),偶本来是用英文写的…哈,对于一个somewhat computer-challenged.加上长期在国外生活,无法好好使用中文打字,我的苦恼,大家可以体会吗?但写到一半突然想到:用英文在jj可以被接受吗?所以,偶开了近两小时的车去找中国朋友的计算机使用..阿不过之前用英文写的前半段内容..因为偶太懒所以不想删掉重写..so 就酱紫中英混合的东东出炉了..若造成大家的困扰请见谅,见谅。在jj的第一个长东东献给福娃鱼欢欢。。。。
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Each story I have read by author余欢欢 shows moments of entertainment and characters that are crisp and refreshing. Love scenes are very sweet.
The main characters of 秘密花园 are 萌、修、奇 who meet together in their campus, in读写会, expanded their friendship and love story as well. 欢欢 intelligent writing includes interesting description and dialogue. So that the campus life and their interaction have so much fun.
For developing love between修and 萌, the story gets off to a slow start, as the author spends some time setting the stage and filling in the backstory, but once it gets moving, the pace picks up. And specially to add an element of suspense plot, such like 修and奇pretended that they were ordinary people in the begging
:“阿奇永远都是眼镜占据整张脸。阿修永远都是鸟窝顶了半边天。我啃苹果的时候常常想象他们的真正长相,绝世美男还是麻子脸?” So that readers start to explore their secrets and story.
The next suspense plot is 修、萌: did they meet before?when and where? The slightly mystery part of the plot just keep pulling reader forward and really enjoyable.
More than anything else, of course, the love scenes in秘密花园are very sweet, between 修、萌. Seeing the two of them together, willing to risk everything for each other, makes me believe in a true love that transcends time, a powerful force that can withstand and obstacles, including invisible death.
作者文笔清新、简捷、干练,字里行间幽默风趣,总在每段文末即笔锋一转,写下令人深思的语句。 包括人生观、价值观的显露或嘲讽以及对爱情的深刻体验。就目前我对作者的了解和猜测,也许很多是她自己的生活和影子……
女主角喜欢拿着”苹果”(表诱惑),代表爱情的欲望,好友Apple (苹果)间接引领女主进入读写会。后来她把苹果给修,奇想来抢,很有趣的暗喻后来的情节发展。
另外,一开始进入本文时,不由自主的想起那部法国的小说及改编的电影The Secret Garden,亦描述两男一女的友谊,甚至后来发展的爱情。两男一样有dark side, 女孩一样是解救者---小女孩发现一个禁忌之地的秘密花园、并让它重生,所有问题并迎刃而解。但欢欢呈现的不单是一个中国的校园爱情故事,还有着墨于家庭亲人的温馨之爱、真挚的友谊之爱。在本文中更可以看到每个角色间都在相处的过程中彼此提升、成长。萌和两人为读写会危机的抵御、修萌两人协助阿奇打破和母亲的心结、阿奇对阿萌’爱的升华’…等等。‘读写会,只有我们都在一起了,才完整。’ 这是友谊团结的大胜利,也是我认为本文最动人的部分之一了。
作者笔下的女主角,从莲到萌,都具有女性温柔的抚慰力量,甚至勇于披荆斩棘替自己或王子屠龙, The way they dealt with the bad thing that happened to her determination not to go backward in their life, but to continually improve her lot in life. I admire them. As for hero, 泰and 修 They are a bit on the dark side, but they have drawn a lot of positive comments here on the boards also. I really like character-driven romance and partly because the story just kept pulling me forward. Keep up the good work!
Btw. 奇and Apple are very vivid characters, and both turn out to be quite likable. I look forward to seeing more of them in future and hope they can find their a suitable mate.
On the other hand, 文中第13章已描述修对妹妹之死的心灵陈述:“祁萌,我不会再害怕,当天变黑的时刻了,因为,”他在那一头,专注地看着我,“因为我看到光了。”
It’s one thing for a character to hide his thoughts and feeling from other characters. If they’re also hidden from the reader, we have no reason to care about what happens to him…I think this main reason readers had such a problem with 修, since the story is written in the first person, we just don’t get the perspective needed to learn how about his well-roundedness. You can at least see things from his point of view and get a more balanced view of what happened. I too loved hero修, so please give him a chance to redeem himself.

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