

查理七世从外交方面救援贞德,疑似私通俘虏了贞德的英国将领卢森堡公爵,试图让卢森堡公爵交出贞德。但达成交易前被英国人阻拦,此事见鲁昂地区的布弗勒伊古堡书信与交易记录,以及当时莫罗西尼法典的作者安东尼奥·莫罗西尼编写的一手史料《Chronique D'antonio Morosini: Extraits Relatifs ? L'histoire De France, Introduction Et Commentaire Par Germain Lefèvre-Pontalis, Text ?tabli Et Traduit Par Léon Dorez》第236页:
They seem to indicate that even then the contract was not complete, or at any rate that the vendor thought he could break it if he chose. But the most remarkable point about the Sire de Luxembourg's speech is the condition on which he says he will ransom the Maid. He asks her to promise never again to fight against England and Burgundy. From these words it would seem to have been his intention to sell her to the King of France or to his representative.
查理七世在负债累累的情况下依旧拉起一支部队,但救援部队无力进攻,只能驻扎在卢维埃(鲁昂南方)不停骚扰英军,贞德死后20天部队,腾出手的英国人立刻全歼这批救援部队,此事见当时的社会文献《Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris》第272页:
The war continued. Twenty days after Jeanne's death the English in great force marched to recapture the town of Louviers. ······(中略)······ The alarm was given to the army besieging Louviers; and two or three companies of men-at-arms were despatched. ······(中略)······ King Charles's men, numbering between eight hundred and one thousand combatants, were commanded by the Maréchal de Boussac, the Captains La Hire, Poton, and others. ······(中略)······ But the French, feeling themselves surrounded, were seized with panic, and thus brought about their own destruction. Most of them, with the Maréchal de Boussac and Captain La Hire, fled to the town of Beauvais. Captain Poton and the shepherd, Guillaume, remained in the hands of the English, who returned to Rouen in triumph.
吉尔元帅出兵救援贞德,在没有其他援军的情况下深入英国腹地,占领卢维埃(即上面所提到的查理七世的救援部队驻扎的地方,从时间上推断应该是吉尔元帅先攻占了此处)并攻打贞德被囚禁所在地鲁昂,但失败,此事见19世纪法国历史学者兼巴黎历史档案管理员、查理七世编年史作者Auguste Vallet de Viriville在1846年著作的《Notices et extraits de chartes et de manuscrits appartenant au British Museum, in Bibliothèque de l'?cole des Chartes》第116页:
Shortly afterwards the Dame went off into Poitou. There she placed herself at the service of Seigneur Gille de Rais, Marshal of France. He it was who in his early youth had conducted the Maid to Orléans, had been with her throughout the coronation campaign, had fought at her side before the walls of Paris. During Jeanne's captivity he had occupied Louviers and pushed on boldly to Rouen.
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