

listen let me preface by saying i rant in English that's just how I roll望各位海涵
also please do not reply because this will just be a stupid rant that not a single person will understand
可爱过敏原怎么说呢, if I had to use 1 line from the book to summarise, I think it would be 会让你不可控地感到痛苦,才是喜欢。also前排表白南嘉她是我的人生导师情敌拔刀吧
I think what attracted me to this book were definitely the characters, especially 送鱼和芝士 (let me preface by saying that this is one of my favourite books of all time period no cap). 送鱼loves his brother, and instead of quote unquote (I cant use quotation marks here this app is dumb) leading 乐乐in this relationship in a space where no consent sparks joy for many (not shaming you me too), the amount of care he gives to 乐乐trying to build an equal relationship is honestly a huge breath of fresh air, and just makes me respect him all the more. also 隐忍攻yyds
乐乐on the other hand, feels like a wispy cloud. soft and comfortable, but very very fragile, almost as if its going to be blown away into nothingness if you dont watch it constantly. his mental health struggles also seems so realistic and relatable. hes puts on a front and trades others happiness for his depression and anxiety. ouch
the world building of this book is also fantastic and I might only be a little bit biased because GOD DAMN I WANT TO GO BACK TO 武汉RIGHT NOW AND EAT THOSE SNACCCCCCCSSSSSSSS
这是本校园文,虽然这本书侧重点不是校园的朋友生活等等but the school it portrays, it just feels so familiar yet so far away for me TRUST you might not miss your annoying 同桌now but when you dont get the chance to draw that 三八线anymore youll be crying. every time I read one of these books with high school especially if we get a package uni deal as well makes me fantasize about going to china and studying for a year, when everyone around speaks in Chinese and there is a possibility that someone will understand your very niche jokes. god I want to go to China for uni
lets talk side characters. especially the love rivals of this story 南嘉和沈密。god I actually am in love with those 2. normally you get the 绿茶情敌and then 狗血and then they 心机and all hell breaks loose but in this book 南嘉is literally my 人生导师with her relationship spill and 沈密 whilst his words cut deep the way he articulates his thoughts is immaculate. he is a man that knows what he wants, and tries to get it. all the respect in the world for you. 南嘉s display of dignity and self respect with her 他很好,我也不差speech, this is what they should be teaching in public schools, I am currently starting a petition to make that passage compulsory.
god the parents, can I talk about them? they easily take best parents of the year award. we usually associate stop parents with stuff like Cinderella and the evil stepmom but this book shows that no, parents that arent related by blood can do so much for you, and probably more than the stupid 叔叔婶婶that related by blood.
rant over, if you got to this far why and how, that's 3 minutes of your life spent reading a 3am rant by some random girl over the internet, Bye 有缘再见
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[1楼] 网友:夏习清  发表时间:2022-01-30 11:44:48
[2楼] 网友:38770248  发表时间:2022-02-01 01:12:57
[3楼] 网友:季迩  发表时间:2022-07-06 01:32:23
[4楼] 网友:敛晴  发表时间:2022-07-11 17:05:46
[5楼] 网友:QAQ  发表时间:2022-07-11 19:37:26
[6楼] 网友:55954595  发表时间:2023-07-17 13:16:46
来自广西   [投诉] [不看TA的评论]
[7楼] 网友:燃璃璃璃宝  发表时间:2024-01-23 01:46:26
I am very happy to see your comment,which full of sincere emotion, I can really understand these feeling when I read this excellent novel,I hope you will have a good life.Best wishes to you.
来自湖北   [投诉] [不看TA的评论]
[8楼] 网友:燃璃璃璃宝  发表时间:2024-01-23 01:50:36
来自湖北   [投诉] [不看TA的评论]
  • 评论文章:可爱过敏原
  • 所评章节:109
  • 文章作者:稚楚
  • 所打分数:0
  • 发表时间:2022-01-30 00:19:16